srcds -game csgo -console +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 -authkey YOUR-AUTH-KEY -tickrate 128 -bot_kick -usercon +map de_dust2 -maxplayers_override 16 Change Server to deathmatch. In your start server command-tickrate 128. I finally got to test this sucker out for real during a scrim yesterday Jump t Server Tutorial: Tutorial: Metamod and Sourcemod and merge the folders-Plac. Matches can be completed without SourceMod interfering, and once done, SourceMod can be unlocked again Telkom DGL introduces new WarMod servers for CS:GO. Instead, it has options that let you lock-down SourceMod to only keep a few plugins loaded. War Mode (SourceMod) SourceMod does not have a war mode built-in.

SteamCmd will begin to install for the first time You can run multiple servers by modifying the launch scripts (install.sh/win.bat) and duplicating the lines that start the server and manually setting the port and optionally set the sourcemod path with +sm_basepath addons/sourcemod_custom +exec custom.cfg +servercfgfile customserver.cfg Making changes to WarMod plugi

Load up cmd or powershell and run our update.bat file. Before we install WarMod, SourceMod, MetaMod etc we need to install the CSGO Server using the update.bat file - This file acts as both installer and updater.